Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wizard of Oz - Sound










There are three basic categories of sounds. The first one is dialogue. Dialogue is the conversation and interaction between characters. Sound effects are the sounds in a film that add to the mood and tone of each scene. They are very important in making the film exciting and to help keep the viewers interested.  Music is the third basic category of sound in a film. All three of these are important in making a successful film. 

In The Wizard of Oz, there is dialogue throughout the entire movie. All of the characters interact with and converse with each other as the film goes on and the characters develop relationships with each other. There are amazing sound effects in this movie as well. We live in a world in which we can shoot and edit movies on our smartphones and e–mail them to our friends.  film came out in 1939, so they did not have as much technology to work with as we have currently. The sound effects for the tornado were awesome and very realistic. The music sets the tone for each scene. This film developed many famous songs that became sing alongs for children as they were growing up. 

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